Ahad 15 febuary my lovely daughter Nur ANis was attacked by asthma...mula-mula tak ambik kiah sangat...rupanya Anis memang serius kena Asma ni.eeee tak sukalah asma2 ni..sebelum ni dia kerap batuk malam-malam.Ayah dia nyer rawatan just kasi hacks dan ubat batuk...2 weaks ago at 2 am dia batuk teruk..than me bawa dia ke 24 hours clinic...bagi ubat dan nebulizer..oklahno follow up to GH..tapi last sunday l bawa dia ke Klinik Kelsihatan Kerajaan yang ada perkhidmatan Asma..than after 2 bottle tak lega dgn nebulizer.than ambulance sent her to Melaka General Hospital....Masuk emergency room...Anis sihat jer,,,belikan Nasi goreng ayam...tak der sisa pun habis semua....but nafas dia berbunyi ....respeiration problem..doctor dok hinting pasal smoking, dust, cat and carpet...sapu rumah pun dia tak leh..pasal asma teringat my fren at itm dungun 1988-1990..fuji...tak sangka anak l kena mcm fuji....dulu pelik tengok fuji dok pakai sweater memanjang dan menyapu pun tak leh..
Lucky l tau Anis kena serious asma at beginning of this year..coz patutlah balik sekolah dia sellau tidur and tak mau tolong l buat homework...coz malam dia tak leh tidur...so siang kat sekolah ngantuk...balik sekolah penat.Doc cakap lepas guna haler 2 x per day Anis boleh aktif semula macam biasa.Lately Anis dan adik-adiknya memang main vollyball kat depan umah tiap-tiap petang..agaknya itu pasal dia lately kena attacked by astma seriously...
Sian anak mama ni.camner nak further study buat accounting kat oversea ni....nampaknya uitm jerlah yer nis.....Apa-apa pun Ma doa anis jadi manusia yang berjaya akademik dan berakhlak mulia....
This blog is to share the secret of my life..happiness and sadness ...either in my career, business, family,love affair or anything...it will show in my writing and photo upload ere...
Isnin, 16 Februari 2009
Sabtu, 14 Februari 2009
Gambar Nostalgia
Nur Anis Mashitah (dan Muhammad Aiman( anak K long)
Nur Aida Natasha Zamri-2 years old
Aida and Izzul ( anak Hamdan) our family day ( Raya Haji) di Desa Lagoon Port DIckson
My mum Hamimah Osman dengan my Twin kat PD
Aida and Izzul ( anak Hamdan) our family day ( Raya Haji) di Desa Lagoon Port DIckson
My mum Hamimah Osman dengan my Twin kat PD
Aida dengan cousin dia .....anak Kak Long ....dark colour...
Kat banglow Desa Lagoon..i suka gambar ni...cantik kan...coz of the evening light
Gambar ni di ambil semasa my twin umur kurang dari setahun...masa ni tak tau nak cakap macamana kelam kabutnya rutin harian..dahlah dapat baby twin..pulak tu masa nilah sibuk sambung belajar..ambik BBA di uitm...pergi kelas letak anak kat Nursery Uitm..bayangkan dua-dua dok dalam keta...masa tulah depa dok bergigit telinga coz duduk dekat2....berebut puting..kadang-kadang kena stop kat tepi jalan cool down my twin....yang seronoknya semua baby kat nursey ni anak lecturer..my twin ni yang anak student....tapi indah juga hidup l masa ambik BBA ni..galamour dgn anak kembar yang comel ni.....ingat lagi keta MAR 9135..toyota unser warna dark purple/maroon....Keta tu l jual dan ambik second hand van for my hubby to run his laundry shop...so secondhand ford econovan warna putih....Mula-mula anak l anis tak mau me drop dia kat depan sekolah dia kalau hantar dan ambik dia...dia malu katanya....masa perubahan ayah dia dari bekerja kat hotel dan buat bis dobi.....susahnya my kids nak adopt to new life....sampai Anis l hantar ke kaunsling utuk dia menerima perubahan....dari top 5 dalam kelas Anis jadi nombor last dalam kelas...setiap ujian for the first 6 month lepas ayah dia berhenti kijer,,,,Apa taknya masa ni susah nya..l pulak 3rd sem my BBA...cuti separuh gaji....nasib baik ada part time kat BTN...buat training kat gov servant....dapatlah cover2....
Teman hidup ini tidak selallaunya indah..ke penghujung dunia dugaan tetap dikejar dugaan...apa nak kata Allah sayang kita..maka deberinya dugaan..Hanya orang yang kuat saja diduga Allah...
Subhanallah walhamdullilah walailahalillah wallahuakbar......
Selasa, 10 Februari 2009
Loly our new pet
Loly dan anak dia yang baru lahir..nampak tak kat kaki dia sebelah kanan..
Photographer-Muhamamd Izzulfarhan
Photographer-Muhamamd Izzulfarhan
Inilah Moly buah hati Paan Boy
Photographer-Muhamamd Izzulfarhan
Loly..meow2....my new pet.....terjumpa at 11.30pm masa balik dari kl (balik ziarah my sist yang operate)..Loly ni mengandung masa tu....dok atas kta yang l parked kat sebelah stesyen bas....bila l buka pintu dia masuk ikut l...so i tgok cantiknya colur dia...dan bersih jer.....so l pun lock keta and tutup pintu keta.....balik jer kat umah my cat Moly jeles giler..terus terkam Loly...l pun masukkan Loly dlm my bedroom..dekat 2 weeks Loly dok jer dalam my room..makan pun dalam bilik.Huuu Moly bukan main jeles.buka jer pintu bilik l dia akan menerpa masuk nak mengerjakan Loly..Aha Loly ni nama yang diberi oleh Paan. So skrg Moly tidur dengan Faqar and Paan at their rroom and Moly with me in my room. Tapi lepas jer beranak.kedua2 anaknya yg cute tu mati sebab ada kucing jantan liar dtg diam-diam dari tingkap my room..huwaaaaa sedihnyaaa,,,,now Loly dah mula kuar bilik cargngi makan sendiri and buang air kat luar..kalau tak dia yarrrkkk kat toilet bowl...pandai dia....sian juga fikir tuan yang hilang kucing ni.anyway me dah falling in love dgn moly ...coz dia yg temankan l kat my room malam2....anyone ere yang boleh tidur dengan kucing...me....dari teenage lagi tidur dgn kucing...sebelum kahwin di langkawi kucing tidur denagn me.....tapi rasanya lelaki tak digalakkan tidur dengan kucing..Paan cakap..maaaa naper moly ni suka jilat2 muka Paan..geli lar..tp lama-lama Paan and my 2 cats ni macam dah sebati...Paan Ni boleh cium Moly and Loly kat hidung and mulut.....gelinyaaa...i try to stop him.....takut jangkitan kuman....anak-anak l yang lelaki sayang kucing tapi yang pompuan tak lak......Kucing ni pengalamn l bela depa..is very sensitif and manja......teringat kucing l nama JoJo....try kacau my husband makan..and my husband marah dia..than Jojo terus duduk tepi pintu...bila husband l pujuk dia kasi seekor ikan goreng...dia paling muka...masam jer muka dia...hairan..pepatah melayu kata ..mana ada kucing tolak ikan..ni l buktikan....Si jojo merajuk...lepas l pujuk dan suapkan ikan dalam mulut dia baru dia makan....Tapi malangnya Jojo mati seminggu sebelum majlis perkahwinan l....terlanggar keta....masa nak gi kijer l menagis dalam teksi...driver teksi tanya l kenapa adik menangis..l kata kucing l mati kena langgar tadi..tiba ofis l call my husband( dulu tunang lah) minta dia ambik mayat Jojo dan kebumikan..kat tepi umah....disitulah berakhir hayat Jojo......sedihlah pulak......sekarang yang ada loly and mol
Khamis, 5 Februari 2009
Wind of Change
Hai adik-adik kakak-kakak dan kwan-kawanHari ini saya nak berkongsi info bagaimana nak membuat perubahan. Bagi saya article ini menjurus kepada
Boomerway 5 Point Plan
1. Keep the faith
2. Make a Plan
3. Take Action
4. Seek Expert advice
5. Do something that moves you closer to your goal everyday
Here is how we are implementing our plan:
1. Keep the faith - whatever your personal code of spirituality might be, from organized religion to personal practice to the notion of personal development, strengthen it through practice and observation.
Help each other - give the people in your world a break, give yourself a break. Maybe things have not worked out as you thought they would - but here you are now, today. What is behind you is done - what you do each moment of each day from this point forward is what will define your future.
If you do not have a faith or a personal mantra - maybe this is a good time to find one that could work for you.
One day at time, let go - let God, a meditation or an affirmation. Today, this minute, is better than before. You decide.
2. Make a Plan - what do you need most? A job? A different job? a different way of working? Less debt?
Less clutter? Less weight? More vegetables? A different relationship? You can decide. You may not resolve it today - but you can make a start.
Do you need to call a close friend and commit out loud to your plan? You could write it down and help your thinking develop that way?
There are many ways to collect your thoughts that will help you make a start toward change.
3. Take Action - When you are actively involved in change you cannot feel like a victim because you are making an active choice in your life.
4. Do you need the advice of a career counsellor, doctor, therapist, deacon of your church? Education for retraining to move your skills up the ladder? Internet - yellow pages, libraries, computers at libraries, there are many different resources available to you and most of them are free of charge.
5. Regardless of your challenge - make sure that you do at least 1 thing every day that moves you closer to your goal. It could mean, ensuring that your interview - job search clothes are ready for when you are called, it could mean that clutter throughout your home is cleared so that you can think without distraction.
Hope is probably the most important element for survival in these difficult times.
See number 1. Keep the faith.
Take action and hold on - this too shall pass and we will be stronger and wiser for it
Hermmm i really like this article... is not easy to change...some people never change..but for me yang involve dengan training people will change if the formula of change is appropiate...Kadang-kadang kita mendapat keajaiban kerana ditemukan orang yang membantu matlamat untuk kita berubah.Adakalanya macam bantuan dariNYA...yang penting bagi saya orang-orang yang membantah matlamat anda hendak berubah elakkan dari ada perhubungan yang akrab. Kadang orang berlatarbelakang pendidikan dan sosio budaya yang berlainan mempunyai pandangan yang berlainan dalam membuat perubahan.
Apa-apapun tindakan kita seharian mestilah selari dengan matlamat perubahan yang hendak di buat. Dalam subjek Pengurusan ada satu topik...Change Managment...saya cukup suka topik tu...nanti kalau terjumpa buku tu saya akan share.....now....byeeeeeee dulu..nak upload photo internate slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww..
Boomerway 5 Point Plan
1. Keep the faith
2. Make a Plan
3. Take Action
4. Seek Expert advice
5. Do something that moves you closer to your goal everyday
Here is how we are implementing our plan:
1. Keep the faith - whatever your personal code of spirituality might be, from organized religion to personal practice to the notion of personal development, strengthen it through practice and observation.
Help each other - give the people in your world a break, give yourself a break. Maybe things have not worked out as you thought they would - but here you are now, today. What is behind you is done - what you do each moment of each day from this point forward is what will define your future.
If you do not have a faith or a personal mantra - maybe this is a good time to find one that could work for you.
One day at time, let go - let God, a meditation or an affirmation. Today, this minute, is better than before. You decide.
2. Make a Plan - what do you need most? A job? A different job? a different way of working? Less debt?
Less clutter? Less weight? More vegetables? A different relationship? You can decide. You may not resolve it today - but you can make a start.
Do you need to call a close friend and commit out loud to your plan? You could write it down and help your thinking develop that way?
There are many ways to collect your thoughts that will help you make a start toward change.
3. Take Action - When you are actively involved in change you cannot feel like a victim because you are making an active choice in your life.
4. Do you need the advice of a career counsellor, doctor, therapist, deacon of your church? Education for retraining to move your skills up the ladder? Internet - yellow pages, libraries, computers at libraries, there are many different resources available to you and most of them are free of charge.
5. Regardless of your challenge - make sure that you do at least 1 thing every day that moves you closer to your goal. It could mean, ensuring that your interview - job search clothes are ready for when you are called, it could mean that clutter throughout your home is cleared so that you can think without distraction.
Hope is probably the most important element for survival in these difficult times.
See number 1. Keep the faith.
Take action and hold on - this too shall pass and we will be stronger and wiser for it
Hermmm i really like this article... is not easy to change...some people never change..but for me yang involve dengan training people will change if the formula of change is appropiate...Kadang-kadang kita mendapat keajaiban kerana ditemukan orang yang membantu matlamat untuk kita berubah.Adakalanya macam bantuan dariNYA...yang penting bagi saya orang-orang yang membantah matlamat anda hendak berubah elakkan dari ada perhubungan yang akrab. Kadang orang berlatarbelakang pendidikan dan sosio budaya yang berlainan mempunyai pandangan yang berlainan dalam membuat perubahan.
Apa-apapun tindakan kita seharian mestilah selari dengan matlamat perubahan yang hendak di buat. Dalam subjek Pengurusan ada satu topik...Change Managment...saya cukup suka topik tu...nanti kalau terjumpa buku tu saya akan share.....now....byeeeeeee dulu..nak upload photo internate slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww..
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