Sabtu, 22 November 2008

Guerrila Warfare

Hai .entah kenapa saya dok fikir pasal guerrilla warfare ni..yang dok ajar l pasal Guerrilla Warfare lecturer UITM namanya Dr Arshad but l dok panggil dia Pak Chad coz dalam BTN memang panggilan Pak ni biasa..nasib yg pompuan depa tak panggil Mak cik...ish2 rasa tua la pulak..heheeh
CUba ingat balik citer2 zaman kanak2..camner si kancil ngalahkan Pak Belang dan macamana kura-kura menang dengan Arnab..macam tulah lebih kurang konsep Guerrilla Warfare ni...
Sekarang dalam teori persaingan ramai yg kecil mengalahkan si giant...kalau kita tengok dlm kehidupan.....nak cakap pun segan...driver pun boleh kidnap isteri majkan dia...ish2 itu baru contoh.....apa-apaun moral of the story sekecil mana pun kita ..tak mustahil raksaksa pun boleh kita yg penting usaha terus usaha dan yg penting...akal mesti pinterrrrrrrrrr...
tapi l ni pandai cakap jer...sendir nyer hal pun ,,,,semut pun tak berani nak pijak..belum lagi gajahhh...kesiannnnnn..ehheheh

kat sini l ada copy paste pasal konsep ni..lets read...

The term 'guerrilla' originates from the actions of small bands of Spanish soldiers who fought against Napolean's French army in the Peninsular War (1807-1814). The word 'guerrilla' is Spanish for "little war".
The tactics employed by "guerrillas" date back to the ideas of Sun Tzu, the Chinese military strategist who lived over 2000 years ago. Sun Tzu argued that all warfare involves the employing of one's strength to exploit the weakness of the enemy. In his book, The Art of War, Sun Tzu gives several suggestions on how to defeat an enemy that is larger and better equipped than your own army.
Sun Tzu's ideas were successfully adapted by Mao Zedong, the leader of the communist forces in China. The establishment of a communist government in China was an inspiration to all revolutionaries in South East Asia. This was especially true of China's neighbour, Vietnam.
The strategy and tactics of the National Liberation Front were very much based on those used by Mao Zedong in China. The NLF was organised into small groups of between three to ten soldiers. These groups were called cells. These cells worked together but the knowledge they had of each other was kept to the bare minimum. Therefore, when a guerrilla was captured and tortured, his confessions did not do too much damage to the NLF.
The initial objective of the NLF was to gain the support of the peasants living in the rural areas. According to Mao Zedong, the peasants were the sea in which the guerrillas needed to swim: "without the constant and active support of the peasants... failure is inevitable."

Biar hati bicara sendiri

Malam makin dingin
Sepi makin indah
Namun hati masih resah
masihkah kau ingat
kau nyanyikan aku
lagu rindu irama syahdu
kau jeritkan kealam semesta
Aku adalah ratu hatimu
kau ukirkan janjimu
semanis janji romeo kepada julietanya
hingga kehujung dunia
ia takkan pudar

kini masa menghakimi kita
Bayu malam membisikkan
Jangan kau tunggu bulan purnama
jangan kau intai bintang dilangit
lalu bulan pun berbicara
masih adakah romeo dan julieta
Lalu ku pandang bulan
sambil tersenyum
lalu berkata
selagi ada bulan dan bintang
disitulah romeo dan julieta

Selasa, 18 November 2008

The Secret of Mathematic

Hai..most of us is reject mathematic subject during our study period...but not me..maths is my most favourite subject..calculation subject help my CGPA scored...
Belajar maths ni seronok...tak yah banyak baca....sambil tengok tv pun boleh cakap kat maths...maths is beautiful..tak caya tengok bawah ni...

1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321

1 x 9 + 2 = 11
12 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111

9 x 9 + 7 = 88
98 x 9 + 6 = 888
987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888
9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888

(0 x 9) + 8 = 8
(9 x 9) + 7 = 88
(98 x 9) + 6 = 888
(987 x 9) + 5 = 8888
(9876 x 9) + 4 = 88888
(98765 x 9) + 3 = 888888
(987654 x 9) + 2 = 8888888
(9876543 x 9) + 1 = 88888888
(98765432 x 9) + 0 = 888888888
(987654321 x 9) - 1 = 8888888888

3 x 37 = 111
6 x 37 = 222
9 x 37 = 333
12 x 37= 444
15 x 37 = 555
18 x 37 = 666
21 x 37 = 777

24 x 37 = 888
27 x 37 = 999

1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321

32 + 42 = 52
102 + 112 + 122 = 132 + 142
212 + 222 + 232 + 242 = 252 + 262 + 272
362 + 372 + 382 + 392 + 402 = 412 + 422 + 432 + 442

1 x 1 = 1
11 x 11 = 121
111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
11111 x 11111 = 123454321
111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678987654321

Mathematics is queen of science...maths teach us to face reality because....
Matematika adalah sebuah Kebenaran. Tidak akan ada yang bisa menyangkal hasilnya. Ia adalah salah satu keindahan yang datang dari Tuhan

Rahsia wanita cantik

hai....ini info dari blog org lain..interesting ...yerlah pasal wanita..

Hormon Seks Bikin Wanita Lebih Cantik
Penelitian terbaru mengungkapkan bahwa para wanita yang memiliki hormon seks estrogen dengan kadar cukup tinggi memiliki wajah yang lebih cantik.Temuan ini membuat cerita mengenai evolusi menjadi masuk akal. Pria lebih tertarik pada wanita yang sedang subur. Demikian diungkapkan tim peneliti dari University of St Andrews dalam Jurnal Royal Society.Dikatakan, kadar estrogen selama masa pubertas dapat memengaruhi penampilan terutama lewat bertumbuhnya tulang dan tekstur kulit.Namun topeng make up dapat membuat para wanita yang sebenarnya kurang menarik menjadi lebih menarik.Tim yang terdiri dari pada psikolog di Laboratorium Persepsi ini telah memotret sekitar 59 muka wanita usia antara 18 hingga 25 tahun dan menganalisa kadar-kadar hormon seks mereka.Kemudian mereka bertanya pada 30 relawan yang terdiri dari 15 laki-laki dan 15 perempuan untuk menilai wajah sesuai masing-masing wanita ini.Baik pria dan wanita relawan ini menilai bahwa para wanita dengan kadar hormon yang tinggi ini justru lebih menarik secara fisik.Wajah-wajah ini cenderung memiliki ciri klasik semisal mata dan bibir besar dan hidung serta dagu yang lebih kecil.Bagaimanapun juga, saat wanita-wanita yang dipotret itu menggunakan make up, tampak ditemukan adanya hubungan antara estrogen dan tampilan menarik.Para peneliti percaya bahwa make-up membuat tampilan berubah. Kepala peneliti, Miriam Law Smith, mengatakan: “Para wanita secara efektif dapat menunjukkan pada orang lain kesuburannya secara umum lewat wajah.”“Make-up dapat mengubah tampilan, dan jelas hal ini membantu mereka yang kurang menarik menjadi tampak menarik.”Sebagai contoh, make-up mata dapat digunakan untuk memperbesar mata dan foundation dapat membuat kulit tampak cerah.“Temuan kami dapat menjelaskan kenapa para pria secara umum lebih menyukai wajah para wanita yang feminin. Dalam term evolusi, masuk akal bagi pria untuk menyenangi wanita yang sedang subur - karenanya bayi mereka akan bertambah,”Dr Tony Little, seorang dosen di School of Biological Sciences di University of Liverpool, mengatakan “Ini sebuah penelitian yang sangat menarik.”“Temuan ini masuk akal. Estrogen jelas terkait dengan kesuburan. Dan pasti bermanfaat memilih tipe-tipe tertentu wanita ini.”“Temuan mengenai make-up juga menarik. Implikasinya para wanita akan menerapkan strategi tipu daya ini. Mereka akan dapat memperdaya para pria dengan sistem visual yang disebut make-up.”Dia mengatakan, penelitiannya dengan para kolega Craig Roberts menunjukkan tampilan menarik para wanita juga bersifat fluktuatif melalui siklus menstruasi dan berpuncak pada hari-hari dimana para wanita sedang subur. (ima/BBC)sumber tribun indonesia

Jumaat, 14 November 2008

mysecretlife: shuntzu -the art of war

mysecretlife: shuntzu -the art of war

How to apply shuntzu

aha....someone ask me about shuntzu concept...alamak brader....yg warna merah tu lah shuntzu concept.

kita mesti tau apa kekuatan kita dan musuh kita
kalaupun kita tak tau kekuatan musuh kita tu...we must must must know our strength and weakness....or kalau nak power lagi apply SWOT analysis....
kalau kita tak tau kekuatan kita dan musuh kita...we are "born loser"

nanti-nanti kita discuss pasal SWOT...lak ya...

sori my discussion is like rojak....and some time too many typing error..heheh i have limited many thing l have to do.........

Khamis, 13 November 2008

shuntzu -the art of war

"If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the result of a hundred battles,If you know yourself but not the enemy for every victory gained you shall also suffer a defeat,If you know neither the enemy nor yourself you shall sccumb in every battle"---Shun Tzu(ShunTzu's The Art Of War)

A Chinese military treatise written during the 6th century BC by Sun Tzu. Compose of 13 chapters, each of which is devoted to one aspect of warfare, it has long been praised as the definitive work on military strategies ana tactics of its time. Since the late 20th century, The Art of War has also been applied, with much success to business and managerial strategies.

I would like to share the competitive strategies in business war:
There are 4 strategies:
Market Leader Strategies
Market Challengger Strategies
Market Followers Strategies
Market Nicher Strategies

But today i am interested to discuss about Market Challenges Strategies...its can implement not only in our business but in our daily life...I dont know why this type strategies much much attracted me,,,, ......ahaaaa....maybe we always have rival in our family, at work, sport/game, neighbourhood and also in our love affair...

Market Challenge -firm that occupy second, third and lower ranks in industries are often call runner up..or training firms. compettive rivalry and price cutting tend to be most in tends in industries with high fixed costs and stagnant primary demand.

We will now examine the competitive attack strategies available to challenges to counter the leader.

1. Defining the strategic obejctive and opponent

Define which competitors to challenge and understand their strategic objective
a. it can attack the market leader.
-high risk but potentially high payoff and makes a good sense if the leader is not serving the market well.
-.Beside attacking simply be the wres more market share and just challenge firms its own size or smaller.

2. Choosing a general attack strategy

-Two ways of attacking market leader.

i. Full frontal attack

The attacker matches its opponent product, advertising, price and distribution..The principle says the side with the greater manpower will win.
example- Air Asia has been target its services to people who want to fly everywhere with lower prices, faster and comfortable.

ii. Flank Attack

Is a concentration of strength again the weak.The enemies weak spots are natural target.

eg. Hyundai known as a car manufacturer that has lower cost high quality. So its take advantages of that elements to penetrate and steal the market share in certain country so easily.

iii. Encirclemants attack
Is an attempt to cupture a wind slice of the enemy's territory trough a blitz. It involve launching a grand offensive on several fronts.

iv. Bypass attack

Its mean by passing the enemy and attackng easier market to broden once resource base.
3 line of approach: diversifying into unrelated product, diversifying into new geographical market and leapfrogging into new technology.
eg. Avon

v.Guerrilla warfare

Consist of wanging small, intermittent attack to harass and demoralize the opponent and eventually secure permanent foothold. It uses both conventional and unconventional means of attack.These include selective price cut, intent promotional blitzes and occasioanal legal action.

Example of the succes firm who use this competitive strategy are samsung and sony, pepsi and cocacola, maxis and celcom..acer and dell (in Asia)...lets see how they play the game.....
for example when maxis has active 5 than celcom has active 10...than maxis has active 10....5 years ago maxis was market leader and celcom was market challenger....but lately they exchange.

Let think as CEO....or....if you cant think as businesess u might be think as rival in your career, study, competititon or in your love affair.....Apply shuntzu and applay Competitive Strategies...hehheh...errrmmmm .... its enough for today......sleeepyyyy....anybody hv any idea please forward, .. i will share what is in my mind on this issue...see u byeeeee........

Playing With Shadow

Jangan sesekali kau kejar bayang2
hingga ke hujung dunia tak kecapaian
Lebih baik menjadi bebayang
Tiada darah bila dilukakan

Andai dapat ku gapai
bintang dilangit
Pasti bulan memencil diri
Andai dapat meniti awan
Pasti aku berlalu pergi
Dimanakah kau wahai mentari
Membiarkan aku terus menyendiri
Hadirlah kau walau sedetik
Agar ku bisa terus berdiri
Seteguh gunung
memasak bumi
Selembut laut
menyelimuti bumi
tetap kutunggu

Ahad, 9 November 2008


8 nov 2008

aku mengenali seorg yg sebelum ini tidak kukenali
kenapa ya...
aku tidak terkejut
kerana aku hanya menanti
saat ketika ia berkata benar
keikhlasan seseorang...
kepastian yang kabur
dan betapa sukarnya
mencari reaaliti
seputih salju..